Workshop 3: Global 5G industry development and market insights

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Day 2
10:30 am


The burgeoning of small gourmet chocolate boutiques worldwide serves as a key driver for niche and ultra-niche marketing of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), branded as (a) geographical indication (b) estate origin or (c) based on unique genetics. Over 90% of the cacao farms globally, are small with an average size between 2 and 5 hectares and can benefit from supplying to the gourmet boutiques.

Day 2
11:30 am

Workshop 1: How to write a great scientific paper, and have it published in a good journal

Elsevier is a Netherlands-based academic publishing company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content. Its products include a number of top-tiered international journals the online citation database Scopus, the SciVal tool for measuring research performance. This publishing house works across all areas of STEM and its products and services also include digital tools for data management, instruction, research analytics and assessment. The company runs several workshops aimed at capacity building with their stakeholders and users.

Day 3
11:00 am

Workshop 4: Bench top to the conveyor belt: Steps toward the commercialization of scientific innovations

The majority of scientific discoveries remain confined to dissertations and peer review publications where they remain hidden from their possible industrial applications. Given the challenges offered by current global events like environmental pollution, climate change effects, and diseases, the need for more rapid transmission of scientific discoveries from the realm of postgraduate dissertations and research papers to industrial applications is most critical. Hence, the need for a clear road map, allowing the connection of both pure and applied scientific discoveries to their industrial applications is obvious. Of course, for this to be achieved, a clear understanding of the constituent steps of such a process is germane. Hence, this brief workshop aims to map a possible path for achieving the aforementioned central goal, using previous experiences and examples.

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